Yes because something you learn within five minutes of joining the Thieves Guild is totally a spoiler.

Reporting you for not reading the damn rules. Who else agrees that this is an idea to be concidered for future patches or DLC additions?Īlexandra Ryan Posts: 3438 Joined: Mon 9:01 am This makes it more realistic for dealing with people who send the hired thugs on you.especially if the item you 'stole' was almost worthless I had thugs sent on me for 'stealing' a flower from a plant. This proves a valuable morale.if you're sending thugs to hurt/kill someone, for the love of the nine! dont sign your name on the contract! So why not make it so after you kill the thugs, take the note and track down the owner when you enter the vicinity of them, they should spot you and voice out "uh oh", and when you talk to them, they will panic and stamper a "hello", you then respond "recognise THIS? (show contract), and they will now REALLY panic (or if they are a tough person, they will yell "come to get me eh? come on then, thief!" and brawl with you). If both the guild and the brotherhood are gone, Maven will be frightened of you if she isn't Jarl, and will pay you to leave her alone if she is jarl, she will "pretend" she never had help from either side and will request that you become her enforcer, provifing you with certain people to 'deal with'.Īs for the Hired thugs, has anyone else found it odd how the person who sent them after you talks normaly when you confront them? Lets say this is real life, someone steals something from me, I know who they are and I hire three thugs to hurt them, the thugs go and try and kill them, only to be killed by them, then that thief tracks me down because I signed the contract with my name I am NOT going to talk to them normaly, saying "hello, what can I do for you?".no, I'll instantly recognise them, panic and run for it.

So, why not have the option to wipe out the menace of Riften if you're playing as a non-thief player?Īs for Maven.make it so if you do destroy the Thieves guild, but leave the dark-brotherhood alone, providing that you are not a member of them, she puts a contract on you.and you can deal with both her and the Darkbrotherhood for having the gall to attack YOU! As mentioned in my other request to Bethesda, in this topic I was wondering if we could have the option to destroy the thieves guild and make Rifen a nice town to live in I also found it insulting how you are the dragonborn who killed Alduin, and yet, common human thieves (and maven-black briar) treat you like crap.