Franklin Michael Golf Clothing suitable for Golf. In the mission, Michael also wears a Gas Maskbut in the wardrobe it is found without it. No matter how you end Unknowing the Truthyou still can keep it after the mission. Players can buy clothes in shops across the map. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Most outfits are unlocked after the last mission, or after an activity like TriathlonTennis or Golf.įandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Outfits are special types of clothing that change all the player's clothes. It has been improved, allowing the player to choose from a diverse and a larger variety of clothes. Tools What Links Here? This page was last modified on 29 Octoberat Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.The ability to customize the player characters with a variety of clothing has returned in Grand Theft Auto V. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Posonbys High-end store selling expensive formal and casual clothing. Sub Urban Middle range clothing store specializing on urban wear. ProLaps Sporting store selling sports-related clothing. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. In GTA Onlinethe clothing system is simplified, every shop selling every item available in the game, higher-end clothes being unlocked trough ranks. The player tries on clothing by approaching the racks and shelves on which the clothes are displayed, similar to the clothing system in GTA IV.Īfter purchasing clothing, the outfits are available in the safehouse via the wardrobe system. In GTA V there are five stores, each with their own merchandise, except Binco and Discount Store, which are identical except for the exterior branding. Clothing in Grand Theft Auto V has been once again expanded, allowing the player to customize all three protagonists using clothes purchased from the clothing stores in Los Santos and Blaine Countyusing the wardrobe system introduced in GTA San Andreas.